PUBG Mobile on PC PUBG(Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds) is a battle royale video game. It is available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox and also on Android and...
Author - Ajay Verma
A Computer Science Graduate, who works extensively on open source projects. His Areas Of interest are: Network Security, Linux Administration, FOSS, Python, and C programming.
Metasploit is an extensive pen-testing tool. It is a great framework for creating and maintaining your exploits. It can be little inconvenient if every time...
Being a system administrator, troubleshooting your DHCP server DHCPD is a common task that you come across frequently. There may be problems like desktop...
In this post, we have prepared a list of powerful hacker apps that are used to check security parameters with your Android phone. All of these hacker apps are...
In this article we will explore a pentesting tool called fern WiFi cracker. fern WiFi cracker is an easy to use GUI based WiFi hacker tool which anyone can use...
Dsploit app is the penetration testing suite for android operating system. This little android app is capable of performing network security assessments on...
In this piece we will be exploring how to configure apache virtual hosts on Linux(Debian or Ubuntu based system). In order to configure Apache Virtual Hosts we...
The Problem with Linux So this isn’t going to be me simply regurgitating about one of those Linux sucks articles. They are great and if you read them...
Install LAMP stack Install LAMP Server for Debian and Ubunut based system. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. It’s technology stack used to...
In this post we are going to cover up top 10 Linux interview questions. These are the most common Linux system administration job interview questions that...